Ferries and speedboats
The following standards are relevant concerning universal design and maritime transport.
NEK EN 62065 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems – Track control systems – Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results
IEC 62065:2014 specifies the minimum operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results conforming to performance standards adopted by the IMO in resolution MSC.74(69) Annex 2 Recommendation on Performance Standards for Track Control Systems. In addition, it takes into account IMO resolution A.694(17) to which IEC 60945 is associated. When a requirement of this standard is different from IEC 60945, the requirement in this standard takes precedence. Also it takes into account IMO resolution MSC.302(87) on bridge alert management (BAM). This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2002 and constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: alarms and warnings have been brought into line with the requirements for Bridge Alert Management; requirements for the category B system have been revised; the parameters of the ship models of Annex I have been adjusted to resemble more Newtonian-like behaviour and the tidal current has been modelled; a new Annex K has been added with interface requirements.
The following standards are relevant concerning universal design and infrastructure in relation to maritime transport.
ISO 20858:2007 Ships and marine technology — Maritime port facility security assessments and security plan development
This International Standard establishes a framework to assist marine port facilities in specifying the competence of personnel to conduct a marine port facility security assessment and to develop a security plan as required by the ISPS Code International Standard, conducting the marine port facility security assessment, and drafting/implementing a Port Facility Security Plan (PFSP). In addition, this International Standard establishes certain documentation requirements designed to ensure that the process used in performing the duties described above was recorded in a manner that would permit independent verification by a qualified and authorized agency (if the port facility has agreed to the review). It is not an objective of this International Standard to set requirements for a contracting government or designated authority in designating a Recognized Security Organization (RSO), or to impose the use of an outside service provider or other third parties to perform the marine port facility security assessment or security plan if the port facility personnel possess the expertise outlined in this specification. Ship operators may be informed that marine port facilities that use this document meet an industry-determined level of compliance with the ISPS Code. Port infrastructure that falls outside the security perimeter of a marine port facility might affect the security of the facility/ship interface. This International Standard does not address the requirements of the ISPS Code relative to such infrastructures. State governments have a duty to protect their populations and infrastructures from marine incidents occurring outside their marine port facilities. These duties are outside the scope of this International Standard. While compliance with the ISPS Code is internationally mandated for all signatory countries, the use of this International Standard is voluntary. If a contracting government establishes requirements that preclude the use of this International Standard, local law takes precedence and compliance with this International Standard should not be claimed.
NS 11001-1 Universal design of building works – Part 1: Buildings open to the public
This standard deals with universal design of buildings and adjacent outdoor areas, and the main target group is planners and project workers. The standard includes all types of work and public buildings and adjacent common outdoor areas. The communal outdoor areas mean the built-up environment for parking and access roads. The standard specifies what should be the basis for meeting the requirements for universal design and equal use. The purpose of the standard is to set design requirements that will increase usage safety and usage quality for everyone.
NS 11005 Universal design of developed outdoor areas – Requirements and recommendations
This standard sets requirements for universal design of developed outdoor areas, thereby helping to ensure that all people can have access to the area with opportunities for outdoor activities, outdoor life, recreation, participation and socializing. The standard includes developed outdoor areas in connection with buildings and facilities, green structure, natural and outdoor areas and transport facilities. The standard includes requirements for planning, execution and measures, elements and equipment. To achieve universal design, it is necessary that the connection between the different measures is emphasized and seen in a whole. Universal design is required to be emphasised throughout the life cycle of the measure both in planning and engineering and when choosing solutions, products and execution, but the standard does not include requirements for extension, operation and maintenance. The standard also includes recommendations that contribute to increased accessibility where universal design cannot be achieved.
NS 8175 Acoustic conditions in buildings – Sound classification of various types of buildings
The standard applies to the classification of structures in four sound classes. Class A has the limits that provide the best sound conditions and Class D the worst. The standard determines limits for ‘
- sound classes in the form of air sound insulation;
- sound insulation;
- sound level (noise level);
space acoustic sizes (reverberation time, reverberation time related to room height, mean sound absorption factor, voice transfer index, – etc). The limits in this standard are provided for housing, buildings for the public and work buildings, and in particular deal with schools and other buildings for teaching, kindergartens and school recreation schemes (AKS/SFO), hospitals and nursing institutions, accommodations, offices. To ensure equal use for all (universal design), it is set, in addition to room and building acoustic criteria and limits on sound and noise conditions, requirements for the use of audio transmission equipment (hearing aid loop, speaker system and other) or other technical aids where necessary.
ISO 21542 Building construction – Accessibility and usability of the built environment
The standard specifies a series of requirements and recommendations for many of the building elements, assemblies, components and fasteners that make up structures. These requirements relate to the structural aspects of availability of buildings, to circulation inside buildings, to exit from buildings in normal circumstances and evacuation in emergencies. An informative attachment is included that addresses aspects of accessibility management in structures. This international standard includes requirements with respect to outdoor areas immediately in connection with a building or group of buildings from the border of the particular plot or between groups of such buildings on a common area. This international standard does not address elements of outdoor areas such as open spaces, whose function is independent and unrelated to the use of a specific building, nor does detached houses take up other than the outdoor areas and installations common to two or more such houses. The dimensions listed in this international standard, which are relevant for the use of wheelchairs, are related to the average dimensions of wheelchairs and users. The dimensions of a wheelchair in this international standard are based on ISO 7176-5 and ISO/TR 13570-21 and are a width of 800 mm and length of 1300 mm. For larger wheelchairs and scooters, you need to calculate similar dimensions.
NS-EN 15643-3 Sustainability of construction works – Assessment of buildings – Part 3: Framework for the assessment of social performance
This European Standard forms one part of a series of European Standards and provides the specific principles and requirements for the assessment of social performance of buildings taking into account technical characteristics and functionality of a building. Assessment of social performance is one aspect of sustainability assessment of buildings under the general framework of EN 15643-1. The framework applies to all types of buildings, both new and existing, and it is relevant for the assessment of the social performance of new buildings over all stages of their life cycle, and of existing buildings to their end of life.
NS-EN 81-70 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts – Particular applications for passenger and goods passenger lift – Part 70: Accessibility to lifts for persons including persons with disability
This European Standard specifies the minimum requirements for the safe and independent access and use of lifts by a wide range of persons, including persons with disabilities. It is applicable to new passenger and goods passenger lifts according to EN 81-20. For other types of lifts, e.g. inclined lifts according to EN 81 22, this standard can usefully be taken as a basis. NOTE 1 For guidance on solutions for increased accessibility and usability see Annex D. NOTE 2 For the upgrading of accessibility of existing lifts in line with the recommendation of the European Commission dated 8th of June, 1995 (95/216/EC) concerning improvements to safety of existing lifts, see EN 81-82.
Universell utforming av byggverk – Veifinning, P-750 (Universal design of buildings – wayfinding. Norwegian only)
This guide deals with wayfinding in buildings and in adjacent outdoor areas such as the access. It is meant to be an aid for all the players in the value chain for construction, construction and property – from idea, engineering and concept to the construction of buildings with associated outdoor area and operation. The guideline strives for equal opportunities for anyone seeking out a building. Equal opportunities provide physical environments that are functional and good for everyone, without creating barriers for anyone.
Information and communication technology
The following standards are relevant to ICT in connection with universal design of information and communication technology, including automats.
NS 11021 Universal design – Accessible electronic text documents – Requirements for design, mark-up and file formats
The standard sets requirements for how documents should be easily designed and marked to become available electronic text documents. Forms and documents with interactive or multimedia content are not covered. The responsibility for the fact that the standard has been followed is on the one that makes the final publication. The tools user interface is not mentioned in this standard.
NS 11022 Universal design – Automats for public use – Requirements for physical design and user dialogue
The standard deals with vending machines intended for the general public. The purpose of the standard is to set requirements for physical design and for interaction, so that manufacturers, procurers and service providers can procure and provide automatic services to the widest possible user group. The standard includes use where operation physically takes place directly on the vending machine to purchase an item or get a service done. The requirements for electronic functions in this standard do not apply to mechanical machines that do not have electrical or electronic components or functions. Requirements for operating heights, contrasts, etc. applicable to all vending machines. The standard does not include interfaces for remote control of vending machines. Properties of ICT that the vendor has no control over are not covered. Maintenance and repair or error situations for vending machines are not included.
NS 11040 Universal design – User participation and ICT
The standard includes user participation in the development of ICT solutions and includes requirements for the exercise of user participation related to the individual phases of the process. For a more general description of human-oriented development processes, please refer to procedures. It reflects user needs within ICT and documents accessibility aspects required in public procurement of ICT. The document contains all the necessary functional requirements of NS-EN ISO 9241-210:2010. The standard does not include technical requirements for ICT.
NEK EN 301549 Accessibility requirements for ICT products and services
The present document specifies the functional accessibility requirements applicable to ICT products and services, together with a description of the test procedures and evaluation methodology for each accessibility requirement in a form that is suitable for use in public procurement within Europe. The present document might be useful for other purposes such as procurement in the private sector. The present document is intended to be used as the basis for an accessible ICT procurement toolkit. The present document will primarily be useful for public procurers to identify the requirements for their purchases, and also for manufacturers to employ it within their design, build and quality control procedures. The present document contains the necessary functional requirements and provides a reference document such that if procedures are followed by different actors, the results of testing are similar and the interpretation of those results is clear. The test descriptions and evaluation methodology included in the present document are elaborated to a level of detail compliant with ISO/IEC 17007:2009 [i.14], so that conformance testing can give conclusive results. The inherent nature of certain situations makes it impossible to make reliable and definitive statements that accessibility requirements have been met. In those situations therefore, the requirements in the present document are not applicable: – when the product is in a failure, repair or maintenance state where the ordinary set of input or output functions are not available; – during those parts of start-up, shutdown, and other state transitions that can be completed without user interaction. NOTE 1: Even in the above situations, it is best practice to apply requirements in the present document wherever it is feasible and safe to do so. NOTE 2: Compliance issues are covered in normative clause C.1.
NS-ISO/IEC Information technology – W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0
The standard specifies functional accessibility requirements for ICT products and services, along with a description of test procedures and evaluation methods for each availability requirement in a form suitable for public procurement in Europe. The standard can also be used for private procurement processes. The standard is intended as a basis for an electronic toolbox for procurement of ICT. It will mainly be useful for buyers to identify procurement requirements, and for manufacturers who can apply them in design, construction and quality control processes. The standard contains the necessary functional requirements and is a reference document so that if different actors follow them, the results of testing are equal and interpretation of the results is clear.
NS-EN 12414 Vehicle parking control equipment – Pay and display ticket machine – Technical and functional requirements
This standard specifies the technical and functional requirements for pay and display ticket machines. It applies to prepayment pay and display machines, operated by coins, tokens or electronic means, solely intended for simultaneous parking control of an unlimited number of road vehicles on or off-street and installed under public or private ownership.
The following standards are relevant in terms of design and exercise of services when it comes to universal design of sea transport.
NS 11030 Universal design – Equal access to services and requirements to service providing
This standard provides requirements for how services should be designed to ensure equal access to them, including information and communication measures and personal service, to ensure all an equal access to services. The standard also includes routines and processes to ensure that the services are accessible and usable to everyone. It does not not include personal aids, except for the interface against them as well as aids that form part of the service, such as hearing aid loops, wheelchairs at airport, personal assistance and more.
NS 11032 Universal design – Passenger transport – Requirements for transport providers on passenger rights
This makes requirements for adaptation to ensure passenger rights across the different transport sectors. The standard makes requirements for bookings and carriers within the field of passenger transport, including rights related to information, ticketing, assistance and rights before, during and after transport on road, track, sea and in air.
NS 11033 Universal design – Passenger transport – Transport services
The standard makes requirements for how services in the transport area are to be designed and exercised to ensure universally designed solutions. The transport area includes in the standard passenger transport on rail, air, sea and road. The standard includes public service practice requiring universally designed solutions for the physical framework surrounding the exercise of transport services, processes and routines with requirements for development, planning, exercise and quality management of personal transport services as well as requirements for ensuring quality, definition of actors, assistance and training of service personnel. The standard does not include personal aids, except for the interface against them, as well as aids that form part of the service, such as hearing aid loops, wheelchairs at airport, personal assistance and more.
ISO 20282-1 Ease of operation of everyday products – Part 1: Design requirements for context fuse and user characteristics
ISO 20282-1 provides requirements and recommendations for designing easy-to-use everyday products, where usability is associated with a set of user interface requirements by taking into account relevant user characteristics and the context of use. The standard is thought to be used in the development of everyday products, definition of simplicity in use, where it is relevant with the context of use and describes characteristics of the user population that may affect the applicability of the products. The target group for ISO 20282-1 are usability specialists, ergonomics, product designers, interface designers, manufacturers and others involved in the design and development of everyday products.
ISO/TS 20282-2 Usability of consumer products and products for public use – Part 2: Summative test method
This part of technical specification 20282 specifies a testing method to measure usage quality for ready-to-use products. The purpose of the test is to form a basis for predicting the quality of use on a ready-to-use product, including its efficiency and usability as well as user satisfaction in the intended user group in the context one expects them to use the product. The target group for this part of ISO 20282 are experts in the design and management of relevant tests, including manufacturers, vendors, purchasing organizations, or third parties (such as user organizations).
CEN ISO/TR 22411 Ergonomics data and guidelines for the application of ISO/IEC Guide 71 to products and services to address the needs of older persons and persons with disabilities
This Technical Report presents ergonomic data and guidelines for the application of ISO/IEC Guide 71 to safeguard the needs of the elderly and persons with disabilities in the development of standards. It contains ergonomic data and knowledge of human functional abilities (sensory, physical, cognitive functional abilities and allergies), guidance in accessible design of products, services and environments. Each of the considerations or recommendations for design is based on ergonomic principles necessary to design products, services and environments available to the elderly and persons with disabilities. It is applicable to products, services and environments that are met in all aspects of daily life, as well as in the consumer market and in workplaces (in this regard, the term “products and services” is used to cover all these areas). However, while the standard does not convey techniques for designing aids, some of the requirements support interoperability with aids. Compliance with international, regional or national standards is not part of the scope.
NS-ISO 10004 Quality management – Customer satisfaction – Guidelines for monitoring and measuring
This standard provides guidance in defining and implementing processes to monitor and measure customer satisfaction. It is intended for the use of organizations regardless of the types, sizes or type of products they offer.
NS-EN 15838-1 Customer contact centres – Part 1: Requirements for customer contact centres (ISO 18295-1:2017)
This European standard specifies the requirements for customer contact centers. It aims to convey best customer focus practices to satisfy user needs. This standard is relevant for both customer contact centres in their own business and for outsourced centres. This European standard focuses on performance quality where contact between the customer and the Customer Contact Centre.
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